Thursday, February 4, 2010


So we have officially started teething as of last night. We spiked a 101.8 fever, had diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fussiness. I knew Hannah was not sick because we had just gone to the doctor the day before for our 4 month check-up, and the doctor said her ears and lungs were clear. I was afraid maybe the RSV infection was still lingering behind, but after a few phone calls, I decided to check her mouth for swollen gums and little teethies. Well we have a winner....she is cutting 2 teeth on the right side of her mouth!!! I knew she was gnawing on her hand a lot on that particular side of her mouth a few days ago, but I did not think anything of it because she constantly has her hands in her mouth. But I did notice she has literally rubbed her hand raw from gnawing. Anyway, the doctor says, "It is about that time. 'Any time between 4 to 6 months we will see "knives coming through the gums'". I was thinking to myself, "Well we are 4 months on the dot". The doctor reminded me that little girls teethe faster or before some boys do. I guess that is part of the whole girls mature faster than boys. Poor baby, I just felt so helpless with trying to ease her pain. Thank the Lord for teething tablets and infant tylenol! We would have been lost without you guys last night.

When I think about Hannah teething, that Full House episode comes to mind when Michelle (as a baby) is teething. Danny Tanner said, "Imagine a knife cutting through your gum"! Joey Gladstone replies, "I say we buy her a pony!" My sentiments exactly....I think we should buy Hannah a pony!! After all, we have a whole mouth of these toofies to cut. My Poor Little Hannah:/