Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To the busy weekends....

Logan eating his first birthday cake!!

Okay. So I know it has been a while on the blog thing. I was really good at posting at first, but now I am getting really bad at it so I promise to get better. This weekend was definitely fun-filled and very busy. Friday night I had a girl’s night out with Jennifer Martin Burks and Kelsey Hoffman (my little sister.) It was a really good time just catching up with Jen and what she thinks of married life so far and her honeymoon, etc. Saturday was my nephew Logan’s first birthday party. He is so cute and made it through his first year of life. They say the first year is the hardest on anything so I am glad to see he made it!! Then Sunday rolls around, and Jordan and I attended his family reunion. That of course was fun, meeting a lot of people you do not know that is. I say this with all the sarcasm in the world. It was just okay. First of all, it was in the 90 degree heat so you can imagine how hot we were. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the entire day was outside. But anyways, it was nice however to see where Jordan comes from as far as his family history and dwelling is concerned. I know most of you know this, but Jordan and I are like day and night. This family reunion proved that to me more than ever. His side of the family comes from deep country roots, whereas, my side of the family is “city-fied” through and through. I know most of you that know me really well know that I do not do country too well at all. Overall, I did learn a lot this weekend about Jordan and how different we really are, but somehow we do love each other so very much. So Jordan if you do get around to reading this, I do not know how we got together, but I am so glad we did and no matter how redneck you become I will still love you just the same.


steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

miss you "city-fied" friend :)

Mae said...

i love cake! :)