Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Waiting on the future and adjusting until it gets here...

I titled this blog “Waiting on the future and adjusting until it gets here” because that is exactly what Jordan and I are experiencing right now. Jordan is working so hard trying to fly through Grad school just so we can make it to the next phase of our life and that is starting our family. I really cannot even begin to explain how much his hard work means to me. It’s just so hard waiting for time to pass by. I mean we know where we’re going and where we want to be, but it’s just not the time for those things yet. However, as much as I complain about the learning process, I am learning and adjusting to a lot within my first year of marriage. I know that’s what the “first year of marriage is all about” adjusting to things you’re not used to. I personally believe “adjusting” is what I am going to be doing for the rest of my life not just my first year of marriage. I mean the next phase is kids and that is a big adjustment, and I have to say one that I am extremely ready for. Then of course, I will always be adjusting to my husband being an accountant. They always work really odd hours anyway. I know I am speaking to all the wives when I say I will always be adjusting to being a caregiver. I mean I really do feel like a maid sometimes when I work eight hours a day and then come home and work another four hours with cooking dinner and cleaning up and then comes laundry after that. I find myself not getting to relax until it is time for bed. I know it sounds like I am complaining from the tone of this blog, but I really do enjoy being a wife. I know I am going to enjoy being a mother even more. In the meantime, adjusting to change is not always easy, but it’s worth it all in the end. It’s funny because when your past this point and you reflect back on changes, you seem to find yourself saying, “I am glad that is over, or I would do that again to get to this point where I am now”. So to my husband who will be reading this at some point in time, I really do appreciate you working full-time and going to school part-time. I feel like I am doing the exact same thing just in a different way. Just like you tell me all the time, everything is going to be worth it in the end. Thank you for all you do and all you’re going to do in the near future. I love you and bring on the changes!!!


Jaclyn & Zack said...

I am officially "AMEN"ing your post. The 40 hours a week at work plus the 20 hours of work at home; the anticipation of things yet to be (kids, maybe more time to spend at home, etc...) but it's worth it because we are with the one we love.

steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

God will give you the grace to wait for the things of the right now instead of longing for what will come, relish and cherish where you are right now. don't forget that.
love you friend ~ k

Mae said...

thanks for the comment girl! & YES! we do need to do lunch. I will be going part time (2 days a week) after next week. I will have more free time so maybe I can swing by the school! Come back to blogging! I miss reading your updates girl :)