Friday, February 20, 2009

What a week!!: Week 7 of pregnancy.....

Well, it’s week 7 of my pregnancy, and so far I am experiencing morning sickness in the worst way. The past two mornings have been 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. throwing up sessions. My sweet husband has been so nice to get up with me and get me a cold, wet washcloth. For some reason, these throwing up moments have woken me up out of my sleep, and then it’s quickly grabbing the trash can. Thankfully, I have put a trash can by my bed out of fear that I won’t make it to the bathroom in time. I am sure it is going to get better. My doctor offered to give me some medicine for nausea, but I have decided to stick it out for a couple of more weeks since he reassured me most women get over the sick part at 10 -12 weeks. My doctor also said the medicine he would prescribe is a little expensive with insurance so another reason why we have decided to stick it out.

On to some good news, Jordan and I went to the doctor this past Monday and saw our little baby’s heartbeart. Of course, being the emotional person that I am, I started to cry a little bit. Jordan thought it was funny so he laughed. I have no idea why he thought it was funny. More than likely, it was a nervous laugh. I got my first picture of our little baby, and I must say it is so cute even though it looks like a little peanut right now. I am extremely curious to see who our baby will look like. Some couples have similar characteristics that favor one another, whereas, Jordan and I have no characteristics that are alike. We are seriously like night and day so I am anxious to see which one he/she looks like. I will go ahead and answer the big question for everyone, we are going to find out the sex of our baby. We talked about not finding out for a little. In fact, Jordan was the one that did not want to find out, and I wanted to. After we saw the heartbeat, Jordan said, “I wonder what it is” since God has already determined the sex of our baby. So we have decided not to be surprised and find out what we are having. I think after seeing the heartbeat made everything so real that it got our curiosity going. Stay tuned for more updates. I will not put any pictures of myself up until I start showing because right now, I just look like I am getting fat and no baby bump…haha!! I am definitely in the awkward state where I feel pregnant and am just getting the chubby tummy not so much the baby bump. So stay tuned, baby bump to come soon!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

and we're cooking.....

I just wanted to inform all my readers that Jordan and I found out last week that we are expecting our first child. WE'RE PREGNANT!!! WOOHOO! We are so excited! We have our first doctor's visit next Monday so I will update you on what the due date is and all that good stuff. I ask that you be in prayer for us as we all know that the first few months are very crucial on carrying the baby. Thank you so much for your prayers thus far. I know several of you were praying for me and this experience in my life. I just wanted to let you know God has answered your prayers and mine. What a wonderful God we serve!!